Be Our Champion for Humanity



Be Our Champion for Humanity
Be Our Champion for Humanity

by Singapore Red Cross
for Singapore Red Cross


raised from 138 donors

49.94% of $50,000.00 142 more days

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Our Campaign Story

As the Singapore Red Cross marks our 75th year of serving humanity, our work in providing assistance and support to those within our community – the isolated elderly, persons with severe disabilities, and families-in-need; remains at the core of what we do.

Finding Joy in Golden Years

At 92 years old, Mdm Ang Chio Tee has overcome a lifetime of challenges with remarkable resilience. As Mdm Ang has never had the opportunity to go to school, she has difficulties reading and writing. She was compelled to get married at the young age of 18, and eventually had four children.

She had to unwillingly abandon the marital home with two of her four children, and eke out a living as a seamstress. As her children got older, she had to juggle two jobs, working day and night to maintain their livelihoods.

Today, she lives with her son in their flat and she often finds herself feeling lonely when he is  out at work.

The Precious Gift of Friendship

Mdm Ang chanced upon the Singapore Red Cross’ (SRC) ElderAid programme, when a SRC team member happened to be in the vicinity. Since then, our volunteers have been visiting her regularly on weekdays, bringing her joy and the precious gift of friendship.

Mdm Linda Lum, a Community Befriender with the ElderAid programme, is one of the volunteers who would often visit Mdm Ang to ensure that she has a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Mdm Lum would also frequently be accompanied by other younger volunteers from the Red Cross Youth.

"Mdm Ang enjoyed our visits. She is happy to befriend the students and forged a good rapport. Mdm Ang taught them to make Lunar New Year honeycomb, by cooking and frying dough," said Mdm Lum.

Your gift will go a long way and has the power to change lives.

Be a Champion for Humanity today!

Supported Causes



Persons with Disabilities

Others from Disadvantaged Background


Singapore Red Cross

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